The Economic Benefits of Investing in Art in Commerce City, CO

Art and culture have always been a part of Commerce City's history, and an emerging art scene is bringing it to the forefront. As the Vice President of a leading global interactive lighting design and engineering company, Jake actively supports the creative creation of places around the world through interactive high-tech platforms that attract people and generate real benefits for cities and customers. Murals, street pianos, and other place-making initiatives and artistic installations bring people to the streets, making them safer. The economic development agendas of 21st century cities must recognize this reality and the role that vibrant places and artistic and musical scenes play in facilitating it.

Despite COVID-19, there is an urgent need to return to business, and a significant part of this involves reinvesting in the arts. Designating areas in the city where artists can complement, cover up and revitalize street art means that beauty is constantly being reinvented. When a person decides to participate in the arts, it also contributes to this domino effect, whether it's with gas in the car, dinner before a show, happy hour after going to a museum or spending the night in a hotel. The good news is that there is evidence that more and more companies are realizing this and are investing in the arts.

These include art for social change (ASC), art with social commitment, arts with community participation (CEA), cultural animation, community cultural development, cultural mediation, social arts (practices) and participatory arts. Stay-at-home orders, fear of traveling, and enclosed spaces have had a dramatic impact on the economic impact of travelers participating in the arts, especially those from outside Colorado and outside the United States. In addition, art education, recreational arts, creative art therapies, popular education, and innovative leadership processes can be closely related to these forms. The Office of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) provide a revealing picture of the impact that the arts have on the country's economy and, for the first time, on that of states. Participation in the arts has been increasing since the Great Recession, and organizations began to make huge investments to increase capacity, technological advances and accessibility. The City Council can set parameters for involvement by artistic organizations within a limited space.

Educational outreach includes activities in schools such as integrating art into classrooms and shows at assemblies; school trips to art centers; extracurricular activities for young people; classes for adults and children. It is clear that art has an undeniable impact on Commerce City's economy. From increased tourism to job creation to increased investment from businesses looking to capitalize on an emerging art scene - there are countless ways that art can benefit a city's economy. Investing in art can be beneficial for both businesses looking to capitalize on an emerging art scene as well as individuals looking to participate in it. The economic benefits of investing in art are clear - increased tourism revenue from visitors coming to experience an emerging art scene; job creation from businesses looking to capitalize on an emerging art scene; increased investment from businesses looking to capitalize on an emerging art scene; increased tax revenue from businesses looking to capitalize on an emerging art scene; increased property values due to an improved aesthetic; increased civic pride due to an improved aesthetic; increased public safety due to increased foot traffic; increased public health due to increased access to recreational activities; increased educational opportunities due to increased access to educational programs; increased cultural understanding due to increased access to cultural events; increased social cohesion due to increased access to shared experiences. The impact of investing in art is far-reaching - it can benefit both individuals looking for creative outlets as well as businesses looking for new opportunities. Investing in art can be beneficial for both businesses looking for new opportunities as well as individuals looking for creative outlets.

Investing in art can help create vibrant places that attract people from all walks of life - creating a more diverse community with more opportunities for everyone.